High End Apartment Rental


The “New Cathedral” is a constant sight from our living room window, but during a few celebrations during the year, it is lighted in the evening, giving us a new nighttime view. Technically the Foundation Day celebration doesn’t start till tomorrow, but a few events jumped the gun and started tonight.  Lighting of the cathedral was one of those unexpected benefits.

There is a lot of construction going on in Cuenca.  Since Cuenca has the fastest growing middle class in Ecuador, and Ecuador has the fastest growing middle class in Latin America, such construction is not really surprising.  Much of the new construction is aimed at upwardly mobile Cuencanas, or towards Ecuadorians returning from overseas (an estimated 3 million Ecuadorians work overseas, of which an estimated 500,000 have returned to Ecuador in the past 5 years).  An estimated $1.7 Billion (with a ‘B’) is sent home by Ecuadorians living overseas every year, which is second only to Oil as a major contributor to GDP.

At any rate, there are a lot of new construction going on in the outskirts of Cuenca.  Within El Centro (where we live), The declaration of the center of town as a World Heritage Site means it is not allowed to change the external facade of a building, or to modify the skyline.  This means that many buildings are having the internals gutted and transformed into luxury apartments, either for rental or purchase.  Tonight we attended the grand opening of a very nice set of 14 apartments intended for medium stay — no shorter than one month.

The rooms are quite nice, the general accommodations glorious, and the prices reasonable — at least to those of us hailing from North America.

The walls throughout are populated by high quality photographs.  My only complaint is they didn’t talk to me first, since I have scenes of the same areas that I think would have looked nice on those walls…

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