In October 2024, I joined a 3-day drone workshop in the Utah Badlands. In many photo tours I take, I am mostly just wanting to be taken to photogenic sites where I can apply my skills to come back with interesting photos. In this workshop, I had hoped to learn more about how to get […]
Ecuador 2 – Pase del Niño Viajero 2024
Pase del Niño is considered the largest parade in Latin America, depicting the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. This year, it was estimated that 200,000 viewers watched from the sidewalks, rooftops and balconies, with as many as 50,000 participants. At the start of the day, there was a mass on the morning of […]
Ecuador 1 – MIPA Pyrotechnics Museum
For the last event of the year at IdiomArt, Sarah HB, the director of the Cuenca Intercultural Community Center (AKA IdiomArt), set up a tour to Gualaceo, just outside of Cuenca, to see where one of the 50 families in the area makes fireworks for various festivities around Ecuador. MIPA – Museo Interactivo de Pirotecnia Artesanal en Gualaceo has […]
Drone Over Cuenca
Years ago Evelyn let me have my first drone. It was fun to fly, but I was very new at it, and the flight electronics were adequate at best. I crashed that poor drone a few times on the Ecuadorian coast, and many other times in Cuenca, including one time it nearly hit a parade […]
Peru – Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca is a UNESCO heritage site and is the highest navigable fresh water lake in the world at an elevation (12,507′). It is also the largest lake in South America, bordering Peru and Bolivia. There are an estimated 70 – 114 small floating islands, with the bulk scattered in the shallow depths of the […]
El Pase del Niño Migrante Parade Cuenca 2018
Yes, it’s another parade. There are three large parades at this time of year, before Carnaval. The first was the Passing of the Traveling Child held on Christmas Eve (el Pase del Niño Viajero). The second was the Day of the Innocent’s parade. The third is today’s Passing of the Migrant Child. Today was the ninth El […]
Drone Menu Added
I have been using my new drone around Cuenca recently. I expect to be using it more in the future, both around the upcoming Cuenca holidays, and hopefully elsewhere around Ecuador. It will probably be awhile before I am ready to take it on trips outside Ecuador though. As a result of this new style […]
Cuenca Drone #1
I haven’t posted any new images since returning from our 3-month Europe/Asia trip in June. Partly from medical issues that came up, partly from “blog overload” and partly because I have been experimenting with a new toy. Evelyn bought me a Phantom 4 Pro drone for my birthday this year. Due to the difficulty of […]