India 9 – Cochin

After the excitement of Holi and Hola Mohalla, we embarked on a couple weeks of touring Southern India in a more sedate manner.  Pauline (Evelyn’s sister) joined us for this portion of India. Our first stop was Kochi (also known as Cochin).  Our hotel was a couple blocks from the beach, so we walked down […]

India 8 – Hola Mohalla

A few days after the Holi Festival, the Sikh hold a three-day celebration of Hola Mohalla. There was very little throwing of powdered paint here.  Instead, the big event was a show of horsemanship, martial arts, archery, and military skills. The Sikh are easily identified as all men must wear a turban. Many of the turbans were […]

India 7 – Kaputhli Artist Colony

We visited an artist community in Delhi called Kaputhli.  This is a group of some 300 families that was forcibly moved as a group from their prior homes, into temporary housing.  They were promised “new and better” homes within two years.  I’m sure you can guess the punchline — that was 5 years ago, and […]

India 6 – Holi Festival at Nandgaon

This is the third of three blog posts describing our experience at Holi Festival 2018.  For our third day, we moved from Barsana to Nandgaon.  Though many aspects of the festival are the same here, there were some very important differences — the biggest being the behavior of the crowds and lots of water mixed […]

India 5 – Holi Festival Part 3 – Barsana

This is the final of three parts describing our time in Barsana, India, during the Holi Festival 2018.  People were frenetically dancing everywhere at all times, from early morning, until sundown when we left. Small bands of drummers would wander from place to place (upper-left and upper-right), and start a rapid staccato snare drum beat. […]

India 3 – Holi Festival Part 1 – Barsana

Holi is an ancient religious festival, also known as the festival of colors. It celebrates the start of spring, the end of winter, good over evil, thanks for a good harvest, and in 2018, starts the evening of March 1st, ending March 2nd, 2018 (though celebrations start a week earlier). This festival is celebrated throughout India […]

India 2 – Vrindavan

Vrindavan, a three-hour drive from New Delhi, was our home base for the Lath mar Holi Festival that are celebrated in the small villages. Nidhivan was considered to be the best hotel in the region, though it requires a 1-1/2 hour drive to the festival. As a dry run for the festival, we dressed in our Holi […]

India 1 – Dehli

India was described to us by one of our guides as a Land of Extremes. From the very wealthy to the very poor, love it or hate it, cutting edge technology to villages which have stood still in time. Vibrant colors stands out from gray dust, food may be extremely spicy or bland. You may find a quiet […]

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